Fr. Panayiotis’ Corner

  • Spring Break & Holy Week

    LOOKING AHEAD TO SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS Dear friends and parishioners, Happy New Year and a blessed Theophany! As we wind down from all the activities of the recent holidays, I would like to turn your attention to the next major Feast…
  • Elder Iakovos (Tsalikis) has been declared a Saint-November 22

    The Orthodox Church has a new Saint. Elder Iakovos (Tsalikis) has been declared a Saint by the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Read more on Saint Iakovos here:
  • Ministry Resources

    Click here to access the resources developed through the most recent strategic planning process of the Metropolis of Atlanta.
  • Saint Paisios of the Holy Mountain-July 12

    This amazing Saint of our times embodied the Grace of God, which was revealed in his wisdom, love and joy. The stories of God’s intervention through him in the lives of people who needed God’s presence are endless. I feel…
  • On Humility and Repentance

    On Humility and Repentance Humility should not be confused with weakness of mind. It is, rather, the desire to not be arrogant. Humility is exhibited when one lowers himself in order to help the other climb higher. It is the…