
We’re excited to announce that you can now manage your giving online! It’s easy, supports recurring contributions, and lets you view your complete online giving history. Online giving complements our existing offerings; we still accept checks and cash.

Ways to Give

Mobile App

  1. Download the Give+ app for iPhone or Android
  2. Select Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Marietta, Georgia
  3. Create an account profile and log into the app.
  4. Select the kind of donations you would like to make from the “+” in the upper right hand corner of the app.   You can make multiple selections.


  1. Visit our Church’s Vanco Giving page
  2. Sign up for a profile or log in in the top-right corner of the page
  3. Click on any item to schedule your recurring or one time contributions for it (for example, “Stewardship”)

Note:  If you set up a profile, your online giving will be credited towards your Stewardship. If you do not create a profile, it may not be credited.


During a Church service, an iPad with a credit card reader will be available to make donations to the Church.

Please ask the PC Member on Duty or Greeter for assistance.

Note: When using this service, enter your email address to link your donation to your Online Profile.