Dear Fellow Parishioners, The Parish Council of Holy Transfiguration is calling for a Parish Assembly to be held on Sunday, March 2nd, 2008, in the Parish Life Center of our Church immediately following the Divine Liturgy. The AGENDA for…

Category: Weekly News (page 3)
Family Night – Talent Show – February 23
Family Night – TALENT SHOW Saturday, February 23rd 7:00pm in the Parish Life Center All talents (singing, dancing, playing an instrument, reciting a poem, whistling, etc.), and all ages are welcome!! Bring a dish to share and come to perform…
Greek Letters Day – AHEPA Scholarship Luncheon – Sunday, January 27
On January 30th we celebrate the Three Hierarchs, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian and St. John Chrysostom. All three were learned men who dedicated their lives in serving God and His people through worship, teaching and philanthropy.…
Family Night – Concert of Folk Songs
Today, we will have a chance to enjoy a free concert of Folk Songs (Kalanta) offered to us by the Live Band "BALKANALIA Group". The Concert begins after the Great Vespers of Theophany. Great Vespers at 5:00 pm Family Night…
Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle – Feast Day of our Chapel
November 30th is the feast of St. Andrew and Apostle. Our chapel is dedicated to St. Andrew and tonight we begin the celebration of the feast with Great Vespers at 6:00 pm. Tomorrow, Orthros will be at 9:00 am and…
GOYA Meeting
Our GOYA Group will meet again this Wednesday, November 28, 2007. All GOYAns, please join us for a fun gathering.
Archangels Michael Awards
Two of our own are being honored today with the Archangel Michael’s awards: Larry Gess from the adults and Jimmy Smith from the youth. The ceremony will take place this evening at the Cathedral Hall in Atlanta. Great Vespers will…
Make time to connect with God
Today, Thursday, November 8, Feast of the Archangels: Orthros begins at 9:00 am and Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am. In the evening, Vespers for the Feast of St. Nektarios (November 9) will be at 6:00 pm and on Friday morning…
Great Vespers today, Saturday October 27
The Great Vespers today, Saturday, October 27, has been moved from 6:00 pm to 4:30 pm on account of the Eclectic Café. Please come into the chapel for prayer before you go to the Dinner. Let’s give Glory to God…
Special Prayer for those who take risks for us
Our minds and prayers this week are with all those who take risks so that the rest of us may live a safer and carefree life. May God Bless you and protect you.