To view the bulletin for the month of November, please click here or on the “Bulletins” menu above.

Category: Monthly News
Rebuilding St. Nicholas
The groundbreaking for the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, destroyed during the terrorist attacks of 9/11, is scheduled for this Saturday. Click here to see an animated rendering of the new building.
Hymn of the Month
The hymn we will all be learning together this month is the kontakion “O Protection of Christians”. To listen to the hymn, click here or visit the “Divine Liturgy” subpage under “Divine Services”.
Hymn of the Month
The hymn of the month we will be learning together is the main hymn for the Exaltation of the Cross on September 14th. To listen to the hymn, click here. To view written music for the hymn, click here. To…
September Syndiakonia Published
To view September’s Syndiakonia, the monthly publication of the parish, please click here or on the “Bulletins” link in the main menu above.
Archbishop’s Keynote on Family
The Archdiocese Clergy-Laity Assembly opened this week. Yesterday, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios gave his keynote address, which focused on the family as it relates to our faith. Click here to read his speech.
Salvation and Redemption
Salvation and Redemption-An Orthodox Perspective A historical Overview of the concept of Salvation by looking at the terms used in the Bible. by Fr. Panayiotis Papageorgiou, Ph.D. Tuesday, October 22 at 7:00 pm in the Office Conference Room Salvation and…
Greek Festival 2008
Join us for the Greek Festival 2008 from Friday May 16 to Sunday May 18. Click here to go to the Greek Festival Website:
Sunday of Orthodoxy Pan-Orthodox Vespers
On Sunday, March 16, 2008, our Parish will host the Pan-Orthodox Vespers for the Atlanta Area Orthodox Churches. Join us for the Vespers Service at 6:00 pm followed by a Lenten Reception in the Hall of our Church.Click here for…
Parish Assembly Meeting, October 14
Announcing a Parish Assembly Meeting to be held on Sunday, October 14, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. All Stewards who have submitted a Stewardship Card for 2007 are entitled to participate and vote at the Assembly. Lunch will be provided.…