Fr. Panayiotis’ Corner

  • Thoughts on Holy Communion

    We are preparing to open the church for parishioners to join in person for the services and offer everyone the opportunity to receive Holy Communion. I would like to appeal to everyone to consider very seriously what we are doing,…
  • As the reality of this lockdown settles in . . .

    Dear friends and parishioners,I miss you. I miss being with you, greeting you at coffee-hour, visiting you at your home or work and seeing you in the divine services. I miss your smiling faces and the exchange of love and…
  • Message of Fr. Panayiotis on the Coronavirus pandemic

    Dear friends and parishioners, We are faced today with a serious health crisis, the pandemic of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).  I am writing to encourage you to not lose heart, but turn instead to God in Faith and Love and face the…
  • The Gentleness of God

    There is a very unique tenderness in the feast of Christmas; God has lowered Himself to reach us, and He has gone all the way as He lowered Himself to the ultimate gentleness, fragility and vulnerability of a baby. This…
  • The Parish is the Flock of Christ

     The Lord’s sheep will find the Lord’s pastures. Those who follow Christ with an undivided heart will be nourished in pastures that are forever green. And what are such pastures if not the most profound joy of feeding in the…