Fr. Panayiotis’ Corner

  • Is there such a thing as Orthodox Culture?

    The answer to the question of the existence of Orthodox Culture is not only a strong affirmative one, but also historically rooted in the formation of the Early Christian community.  So, what is, then, Orthodox Culture and where does it…
  • How is the Resurrection Relevant Today?

    Again this year, we walked through Holy Week, experienced Christ’s passion, suffering and crucifixion, and then rejoiced in His Resurrection and cried out “Xristos Anesti!”. We will continue to greet each other with “Christ is Risen!” for 40 days reminding ourselves…
  • God’s answer to the Arrogance of Wealth and Power

    Christ is born, Glorify Him! The humble baby Jesus in the manger, kept warm by the breath of animals, provides an image of weakness and vulnerability, but at the same time defeats the arrogance of King Herod and and haughtiness…
  • Normalcy among COVID-19: A fleeting Reality?

    Week after week I look out from the Holy Altar yearning to see again the beautiful faces of my parishioners, but I am met with the masked reminder that we are not living in normal times.  Day after day, I…
  • As we prepare to receive Holy Communion again

    Dear friends and parishioners,This period of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of soul searching for me as I reconsidered the essentials of my own life and the priorities of my personal faith and tried to understand how everything…