On Humility and Repentance Humility should not be confused with weakness of mind. It is, rather, the desire to not be arrogant. Humility is exhibited when one lowers himself in order to help the other climb higher. It is the…

News (page 6)
Time for Thanksgiving
Dear friends and parishioners, I greet you with great joy as we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Thanksgiving. My prayers are with you and your families during this national holiday which brings families together and helps us reconnect with…
Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue
On Monday, December 7th at 7pm at Annunciation Cathedral, His Grace Bishop Sevastianos (a former pastor of our parish) will be in Atlanta to offer the keynote address for the semiannual Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue. His Grace will be speaking about the…
Metropolis Strategic Plan
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta, of which we are a part, has begun implementing an exciting strategic plan. To view the plan, visit the “Links” page or click here.
New Building Approved
On the day of Pentecost, the general assembly of the parish unanimously approved to proceed with the proposed expansion and renovation of the facilities for ministry and fellowship. A ground blessing and groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for June 21st.
Special General Assembly
We will hold a special general assembly on May 31st, the day of Pentecost, following the morning worship services to seek final approval to proceed with the expansion and renovation of our facilities. This is a very important meeting with long-term impact for…
Photos from Agape Picnic
Christ is risen! Truly He is risen! Click here to view photographs from the Agape Picnic this past Sunday.
Sunday Hymns
Recordings of all eight resurrectional dismissal hymns, which we sing at the Small Entrance of the Divine Liturgy, have been uploaded to the website. To listen and learn them, please visit the Divine Liturgy Hymns page under Divine Services, or…
Elder Paisios has been declared a saint
Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain has been canonized (he is now officially a saint of the Church). The announcement came from the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. To read the article by Fr.…
Thanksgiving and the Fast of Christmas
Thanksgiving for Americans is a family event. The roots of this feast are found in the inclination of the human heart to offer thanks to God for the abundance of blessings He has bestowed upon us. Theologically speaking, this feast…