All Stewards of the Parish are invited to the Parish Assembly, which will be held on Sunday, February 22, 2009 immediately following the Divine Liturgy. The Assembly will be held in the Parish Life Center (Community Hall). A light lunch…

News (page 12)
Services for Christmas
December 24, Wednesday, Morning: The Great Hours of Christmas, 9:00 am (No Holy Communion during this service) Wednesday Evening: Christmas Celebration, The Nativity of Christ Christmas Vesperal Liturgy 5:30 pm, Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great. (Holy Communion…
Holy Unction (The Healing Service)
This coming Saturday, December 20, we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Unction (the Healing Service) after the Great Vespers. Great Vespers will be celebrated at 5:00 pm and Holy Unction at 6:00 pm
St. Nicholas Overnight Vigil – December 5-6
We will celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas this year with an Overnight Vigil on the Eve of the Feast (Friday, December 5). We will begin at 8:30 pm with the Vespers Service followed by the Orthros at 9:30 pm…
Prime Timers Christmas Dinner/Dance
The Prime Timers Christmas Party will be held at the Church Hall (Parish Life Center) on Sunday, December 7 starting at 5:00 pm with Apetizers. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm followed by the Dance. Please RSVP by December…
Second Tray for Victims of hurricane Ike
To all Parishioners: At the request of Metropolitan Alexios, a second tray will be passed this Sunday, October 5, 2008, for the victims of Hurricane Ike. The collection will be sent to the Metropolis of Atlanta to the attention of…
“Mommy and Me” Group gathering
Calling all families with children under the age of 5!!! The “Mommy and Me” group presents: The “Family and Me” gathering! Please join us for a family get-together on Saturday Oct 4th @ 10:00am Weather permitting we will meet at…
Glendi Night – Hellenic Dance Event
COME AND DANCE WITH US!!! Hellenic Dance invites you to a Community Wide Glendi and Fund Raiser Bring your family and friends! Saturday September 27th, from 7-11PM at the Parish Life Center Click here for the Glendy Flyer and more…
Homecoming Picnic -Sunday, September 7
Join us for a wonderful family picnic this coming Sunday, September 7. It is Homecoming Day. Welcome back to your Church Home – your Parish Family. Welcome back to the Orthodox Church – your Church Family and your Family Church.
The August Panegyri – Saturday, August 16
Honoring the Feastday of the Dormition of the Theotokos and following a Greek Tradition of Celebration we will hold a Feast (Panegyri) tomorrow Saturday, August 16 on the grounds of our church at Holy Transfiguration. The celebration will begin with…