Parish Assembly on March 2, 2008

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

    The Parish Council of Holy Transfiguration is calling for a Parish Assembly to be held on Sunday, March 2nd, 2008, in the Parish Life Center of our Church immediately following the Divine Liturgy.  The AGENDA for the March 2nd, 2008 Assembly is as follows:


Opening Prayer
Election of a Chairperson
Reading and approval of minutes – a copy is available for review in the Parish Office or
on-line on the Parish’s website at the following URL: Parish Assembly Minutes-October 07.
Please review the copy prior to coming to the meeting.
Father Panayiotis’ Message
President’s Message
Presentation of Proposed Budget for Calendar Year 2008
Election of representatives for the Archdiocese Clergy Laity Assembly
Treasurer’s Annual Report
Building Fund Report
Stewardship Committee Report
Festival Report
Ministries Report (whichever may have a report)
New Business
For the good of the Parish
Closing Prayer

    Eligible to vote are all Stewards of our Parish.  We encourage people to submit their Stewardship Form so they will become eligible to vote.  If you have any questions, please contact the Church office.

    We will be serving a light lunch for all members attending this VERY IMPORTANT meeting. Please bring the enclosed copy of the budget with you to the meeting.

In Christ’s love & Diakonia,

Father Panayiotis Papageorgiou,                Alex Miltiades,   
Protopresbyter                                                 Parish Council President